Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Looking for some science fun? Here are some great resources to activate science in your classroom!

Grades 5-8 (can be easily modified to upgrade difficulty).  The information included in the Activity Guide supports the framework of the National Science Education Standards (created by the National Science Academies) and is intended to make teaching science, specifically chemistry, more engaging for educators and students. Chemistry is the central science, and its concepts often extend into many other subjects as well—and not just within the traditional sciences!

This site was created in 2005 with the goal of creating a central point where all Science Teachers, whether from New York State or anywhere else could access materials. The majority of the material found within this site was graciously uploaded and shared by hard working teachers who wanted to show the world some of their best work. There are many resources here, for multiple topics in many different formats. There are science labs, demonstrations, lesson plans, activities, worksheets, notes, regents review material, educational related information and much more.

This is a teacher created resource with activities with a focus on middle school.

This website is a great guide to science projects, fun experiments and science research. She has published over 50 books of hands-on science experiments (short, one page experiments utilizing common household items.

Hungry for fresh, exciting science activities based in amazing phenomena? Science Snacks are hands on, teacher tested, and use cheap, available materials. Satisfy your curiosity without ever getting full.

This site offers a broad range of free classroom resources that complement and extend learning beyond the bell.

Watch the short video clip (<2 minutes), print the graph and have the students graph what they saw.

This site provides hands-on science experiments for students of all ages. Detailed procedures and material lists are provided.

The PhET Interactive Simulations project at the University of Colorado Boulder creates free interactive math and science simulations (Grades 7-12). PhET sims are based on extensive education research and engage students through an intuitive, game-like environment where students learn through exploration and discovery.

This is a 3D interactive tool which provides a realistic environment and a realistic way to examine the human body. Students (grades 7-12) can explore and manipulate the 3D images through anatomical animations. Descriptions of health conditions related to each system of the body are included.

Thank you Christopher Scott for the helpful additions to this list!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I'm lost forever in these links! Human Digital site - Wow what a resource.
